
Greenhouse Pad
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

A graveled area for a future greenhouse is bordered by a small stone edge.

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Drystack Stone Garden Wall
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

A long drystack stone garden wall gives more usability to this sloped and rocky property.  Steps at one end lead to a water collection system and a bench built into…

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Stone Bench
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

A stone bench built right into this drysatck stone retaining wall offers gardeners and visitors a place to rest and enjoy the bounty of nature.

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Stone Stairs
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

These stairs have been in place for a few years, and are looking more and more naturalized with the growing of various plants between them.

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Drystack Stone Steps
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

A small set of steps leads to a different section of the garden from the greenhouse, giving more usability to the sloped terrain of the property.

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Stone Garden Wall
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

A drystack retaining wall in this garden is built with local sandstone and has a set of stairs at one end leading to a water collection system.

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Drystack Stone Steps
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

A set of drystack stone steps leads up to the site of a future greenhouse.

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Stone Patio
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

This sandstone patio is dry fit with local sandstone.  It is just over 300 square feet and encompasses a built in fire pit at one side, giving plenty of space…

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Stone Fire Pit
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

The stone fire pit is 2 feet deep and 4 feet across, giving lots of room for a small warming fire or a larger burn of cleared materials.  A flat…

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Stone Patio and Fire Pit
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

A sandstone patio spanning over 300 feet and featuring a fire pit for winter warmth.  A few stairs follow the lifting contour of the land.

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Wave Wall
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

One section of a 150 foot long retaining wall- the wave design was created with blue-toned sandstone against orange and brown.

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Stone bench in drystack wall
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

Here is a very comfortable stone bench that I built into a drystack wall.  It is at the end of the stone patio beside the new greenhouse.  Made with local…

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Stone staircase with ramp
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

This client wanted to be able to wheelbarrow down the slope to the green house, but also wanted a grand staircase, so this is what I came up with…it works…

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Drystack stonework detail
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

In this photo you can really see the care taken in dry stack stonework.  Each stone is fitted tightly, with small stones for chinking.

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Drystack stone bench
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

Here is a close up of the dry stack stone bench beside the greenhouse.  Again you can see how well fit each stone is, and how the weight is always…

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