Orca Fin ‘Ocean Sun’ Cedar Sculpture

1024 768 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

Orca Fin Sculpture was a fun barter project with my dentist.  His partner told me they saw some lovely whale tail sculptures in Hawaii and were inspired to ask me to trade any sculpture of my choosing for a certain value.  The whale idea stuck in my head and I found this perfect fin shaped piece of red cedar driftwood on a local beach.  I was inspired to model the fin on a real Ocra whale from a local pod that lives in the ocean around my island on the coast of BC, Canada.  This fin is inspired by ‘Ocean Sun’ or L25, the matriach of the local Orca J Pod.

It was amazing to see the colours and grain that came out when sanding, then oiling.  It stands about 2 feet tall, and over a foot wide at the base which is made from local big leaf maple dyed black.  Might have to do a few more fins….


Colin Hamilton

All stories by: Colin Hamilton
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