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Greenhouse Pad
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

A graveled area for a future greenhouse is bordered by a small stone edge.

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Drystack Stone Garden Wall
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

A long drystack stone garden wall gives more usability to this sloped and rocky property.  Steps at one end lead to a water collection system and a bench built into…

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Stone Stairs
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

These stairs have been in place for a few years, and are looking more and more naturalized with the growing of various plants between them.

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Stone Patio and Fire Pit
1024 768 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

This stone patio with stairs and a fire pit was constructed in a flat area that previously hosted an old cabin.  This project is all made from sandstone placed on…

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Drystack stone retaining wall
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

prepping for drystack stone retaining wall This was a fun project building a short retaining wall for wonderful new cabin on South Pender Island.  I used all local sandstone, which…

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Cob Workshop- Stone Foundation
1024 768 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

This summer, we have been focusing much of our attention on building a new wood working shop for Colin on our property.  His designs for a load bearing cob shop…

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Greenhouse stone patio
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

In front of the new greenhouse we put in a sandstone patio on a bed of sand.  At the end of the patio you see the bench built into the…

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Grand drystack stone staircase with ramp
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

This stone staircase tapers from about 8′ across at the bottom to 4′ at the top.  It has a ramp along the side for wheelbarrow access.  It is all made…

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Pare drystack stone stairs and garden wall
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

This project is a retaining wall, creating another garden bed above the existing garden into a stoney hillside.  The steps also lead up to the rainwater catchment tank for watering…

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Pare drystack stone garden retaining wall
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

Still under construction, this is the first few feet of what is a 40′ long by 4′ tall drystack retaining garden wall with built in steps and bench in the…

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Pender style grand stone staircase and ramp
1024 768 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

I recently was invited back to a previous clients place to do some more drystack stonework.  What a fun project it turned out to be.  Transforming the yard into a…

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Indoor Sandstone Hearth
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

A raised hearth provides easy access to the woodstove, and a warm spot to perch in the chilly winter months.  Local sandstone and detailed with small stones, this hearth is…

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Indoor sandstone stairs
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

Local sandstone provides the beauty and smoothness of these indoor stairs leading down into a sunken living room.  Small stones add extra personal and artistic details to the tight fitting…

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Sandstone indoor stairs and hearth
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

I have had the opportunity to do some showcase indoor stonework over the last year.  The first part is a sandstone staircase dropping three steps into a sunken living area. …

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Wave wall
150 150 Thuja Wood Art - Reclaimed Cedar Furniture Wood Art Vancouver Victoria Gulf Islands British Columbia

Here is a sandstone retaining wall I did, look carefully for the wave hidden in the wall.  The wall is over 9′ tall in places and about 70′ long.  It…

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